Buying art directly from Ukrainian kids for $3-$5 gives me some level of satisfaction.
I go on Etsy and type “Ukrainian art” or “Ukraine children art” and the whole bunch of shops pop up. The best part is that I can write a review after the purchase. This is great because I can express myself and wish them all I want.
The best part of this is that I buy directly rather than through charity.
Why is it good? Because it is personal.
A little person gets the money and he or she is very proud. It is not charity.
He or she earned the money. No one feels sorry for the kid. See the difference?
Why do I buy art from Ukrainian kids?
Because I was a kid once too.
I remember living by the hour. In childhood, this is exactly how you live. Everything is colored by the emotions of NOW.
And What if I could change five minutes or an hour of a girl or a boy in a way that he or she remembers?
Just think about it.
Below are the links to Etsy.
You can go to Etsy site and for $3-$10 make a difference in the way the young artist feels. I heard many times from my friends in Ukraine that emotional support is priceless for them.
Please share this post, which is the most important part.
Thank you! God bless You! God bless Ukraine!
Here below are some of the art from Ukrainian kids that I purchased.
